The story focuses on Tibby, who has fallen from ‘Heaven World’. This is important due to the fact that certain vocal tracks can only be heard by playing the mini game with the Japanese track. This allows the game to feature both English and Japanese versions of every single mini game. Additionally, for the first time, in North America, the game features dual audio tracks. Judging by the ratio, it is clear that this game is meant to cater to fans of the game, with a heavier emphasis on familiar, fan favourite pieces.
There are 106 rhythm games total in the latest entry, including 20 brand new ones. Rhythm Heaven Megamix introduces newer features to the franchise, including an actual plot, street pass functionality, and multiplayer co-op. To commemorate the 10th anniversary of the game, the team at Nintendo released Rhythm Heaven Megamix for the Nintendo 3DS, which features mini games from all three previous entries. Since then, the Rhythm Heaven series released globally on the Nintendo DS and Wii, meeting with considerable success for its simple, yet challenging, gameplay and its charming series of mini games based on the use of rhythm.
The franchise began in 2006 as a Japan exclusive title called Rhythm Tengoku on the Game Boy Advance. One of the best in the genre is the Rhythm Heaven series. There’s a certain bliss that can only be obtained from playing music-focused games.